Do you know who Bartosz Kurek, Jakub Kochanowski or Aleksander Śliwka are?
If you are interested in the volleyball played at the highest levels, we surely do not have to tell you. If, however, you do not know who the gentlemen are, we will give you a hint – they are the reigning world volleyball champions.
Why do we mention them? Because we bid on a ball with their autographs at an auction conducted by the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (WOŚP) organisation as part of its annual countrywide event that has been held in Poland for 27 years to raise money for medical equipment in hospitals. And we won! The money we offered for the ball with our champions’ autographs will be spent on medical equipment at children’s hospitals. We are very happy to have supported WOŚP in 2019 and become the proud owners of the ball with the world champions’ autographs.